Be aware that representatives at certain stem cell clinics/companies will claim your stem cells are too old to provide therapeutic benefit when utilized as a treatment. This is not true since a vast number of clinical trials have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of stem cells derived from individuals of advanced age. This therapeutic effect has been reliably repeated and well documented in medical literature.
However, many representatives will argue that placental/amniotic/umbilical cord cells or cell products are a more appropriate therapy for individuals of a certain age. Unfortunately, this is a marketing ploy with the intent of selling a treatment or “add-on treatment” of little value. Placental/amniotic cell treatments utilize off-the-shelve products that lack real therapeutic benefit. A recent study demonstrated that these products contained only dead cells or cell fragments. Further, these products contained very low levels of growth factors, levels no higher than ordinary blood. Be highly cautious of any clinic or company that claims to provide living placental/amniotic cells as part of their therapy. This likely indicates the cells are from an unknown source and could be contaminated with any number of viral or bacterial pathogens.
Research-based or evidence-based medicine is an approach to medical practice intended to optimize decision-making by emphasizing the use of evidence from well designed and conducted research. Each aspect of your stem cell treatment has been analyzed and designed around the latest stem cell clinical research studies where both safety and efficacy have been shown. This includes the harvesting of tissue, the processing of your cells and the administration of your stem cells back into your body.
The stem cells used in these treatments come from the patient’s own body. More specifically, from the patient’s bone marrow. Within the marrow, resides a very high concentration of mesenchymal stem cells which are responsible for proliferation and healing throughout the body.
InovaCyte always provides access to stem cell therapy by Board Certified Physicians. Each physician completes their own part of the stem cell treatment process for which they specialize. This ensures the physicians with the most experience focuses on their specialty to help ensure a safe and effective treatment.
One of the biggest advantages of InovaCyte is the expertise of our on-staff PhD Neuroscientist. By doing so, we are providing access to stem cell therapy by a true cell scientist capable of employing the latest research into each step of your treatment protocol. This provides patients with a level of safety and efficacy they cannot receive elsewhere.
Adult stem cell therapy has been proven to be an extremely safe option for patients. Typically patients will experience some soreness or bruising from the area where the bone marrow has been harvested by the surgeon. This can last between 2-4 weeks after the treatment.
Patients will be with us for 1 day. The treatment day consists of 3 parts: 1) harvesting your stem cells from your bone marrow. 2) processing the stem cells in our on-site, dedicated laboratory. 3) readministering the stem cells back into your body from systemic and targeted administration methods. Typically the treatment lasts about 3-4 hours.
The cost of each patient’s stem cell therapy can vary depending on their condition as each treatment is customized around the patient’s needs. Please contact us to discuss the cost of your specific stem cell therapy.
While some patients do see an immediate response from their stem cell treatment the vast majority of patients will see a response anywhere from 1-3 months after their treatment. Keep in mind, every patient is different and there are many factors that can determine this.
A significant percentage of patients come from either out of state or out of country. The procedure is minimally invasive so patients can return home the afternoon of the day after their stem cell treatment.
InovaCyte provides patients with travel coverage which includes the cost of their hotel stay, most meals and ground transportation to and from the airport if flying.
Health insurance does not currently cover adult stem cell therapy. There are some stem cell companies claiming their treatments are covered by insurance, however this only applies to the labs and testing which is a negligible amount.
Moral and religious concerns exist in regard to embryonic or fetal stem cells. These concerns do not apply to adult adipose derived stem cell therapy as the cells come only from the patient’s own body.
No. Our procedure is in compliance with CFR21 Part 1271 (1271.15.b). Stem cell procedures are not new to the United States. Bone marrow transplants (stem cell transplants) used to treat patients with leukemia receives a similar treatment; bone marrow transplants also, are not approved by the FDA but listed as an exception as stated in CFR 1271.15.b.
The medical team takes multiple factors into account when determining a patient’s candidacy for stem cell therapy. There are multiple factors that could exclude a patient from receiving treatment. Patients must complete a medical history evaluation form to determine their candidacy before scheduling their treatment through InovaCyte.